Effect of Rice Husk Ash (RHA) on the performance of mortar with cement type CEM IIA-ll 32.5R
The main purpose of this was to investigate the effect of rice husk ash (RHA) properties partially replaced with pozzolanic cement on the mortar performance. Portland limestone cement is one of the most common pozzolanic cement applications in many fields and can provide equivalent performance while reducing environmental impact. Unlike high-strength cement (CEM I 52.5N), RHA blended with Portland limestone cement. It is therefore highly relevant to study the performance of Portland limestone cement with different RHA content on the mechanical properties of mortar. To verify that cement type CEM I 52.5N complies with the requirements of BS EN 197-1, CEM II/A-LL 32.5R (Portland-limestone cement) was used. Mortar mixes with nine different replacement ratios and four different RHA types (A, B, C, and D) were made at constant water to binder ratios (0.50%). The effect of the limestone content of cement (CEM II/A-LL 32.5R) on the RHA properties such as silica structure, silica content, loss on ignition, and fineness of particles on the performance of mixtures has been underlined. Their performance was assessed by means of three mechanical tests (workability, compressive and tensile strength). The effects of all the different variables on the properties of RHA mortar were evaluated at 7, 28, and 91 days to explore the effect of curing age.
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